Rules for authors
Requirements for scientific articles
All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal must meet the following requirements:
a) the article must be written in compliance with the established requirements of the journal;
b) the article must be the result of scientific research;
c) the article must correspond to one of the areas (sections) of the journal.
All materials received by the editor are checked for the presence of borrowings from open sources (plagiarism), the check is carried out using the “Antiplagiat” system. Articles containing elements of plagiarism are automatically removed from consideration, and authors are deprived of the opportunity to publish their work in the journal.
Requirements for the preparation of scientific articles: The article must be prepared in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman font, font size 12, Top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm). Paragraph - 1 cm. The volume of the article (including annotation and list of references) should range from 10 to 12 pages in A4 format.
The article should have the following structure:
UDC index (the index can be obtained from any scientific library);
article title;
surname and initials of the author (for example, Karimov K.A.);
the name of the organization where the author of the article works;
main text of the article;
list of used literature (no less than 8 and no more than 25 titles of scientific literature).
The list of references is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.0.5-2008
The title of the article, abstract and keywords are written in three languages (Tajik, Russian and English). The abstract should be no less than 10 lines, keywords from 7 to 10 words or phrases;
information about the author in Russian. Here the full name of the author, academic degree, academic title (if any), the name of the organization in which the author (authors) works, the position of the author (authors) in this organization, telephone number, e-mail, as well as the postal address of the author’s place of work are indicated.
When citing specific material, references are indicated in square brackets [ ]. Sample: [1, p.25]. That is, literature No. 1 and page 25.
Tables, diagrams, diagrams and figures should be grouped and numbered. Tables, charts, diagrams and pictures must have a title.